Member-only story

The death rate for Roman Gladiators was pretty high, high enough to the point that 90% of gladiators were more likely to die before they passed their fighting age and entered retirement.

For the ones that did live past fighting age, they were usually legends and were granted freedom. Once a Gladiator becomes free he would become a Rudiarius and given a Rudis (wooden Sword to carry around) to symbolize his freedom

Common things a retired gladiator would do

  • To retire from the gladiatorial games altogether, living on the proceeds he had earned as a gladiator
  • To work as a bodyguard, and status symbol, of a wealthy Roman
  • To work in one of the gladiator schools training new gladiators
  • To work in the arena taking on a role of an arbiter, or referee
  • To continue working as an elite, sought after and well paid Rudiarius gladiator and continue to receive the adulation from the fans and spectators, opting for fame and glory or death


What did ex-Gladiators do after being freed?



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