Member-only story


2 min readJun 15, 2023


Once upon a time, there was a farmer whose donkey took a tumble into a deep well. Man, that donkey was making a ruckus, crying and wailing for hours. The poor farmer scratched his head, thinking of ways to rescue his furry friend.

After some pondering, the farmer figured the donkey was pretty old anyway, and the well needed to be closed up. So, he made up his mind to leave the donkey down there. Cold move, right? But wait, it gets interesting.

The farmer gathered all his neighbors and shouted, “Hey, come lend a hand! We’re gonna bury this well!” Everyone grabbed a shovel and started chucking dirt into the well, while the donkey watched from below.

Now, here’s where things get crazy. As the dirt rained down, the donkey went ballistic, crying out louder than ever. But after a few shovelfuls of dirt smacked him in the face, something weird happened. The donkey suddenly quieted down.

Curiosity piqued, the farmer peered into the well and couldn’t believe his eyes. That clever donkey was actually doing something remarkable. With each load of dirt, the donkey shook it off and stepped up on top of it. Talk about using a bad situation to your advantage!

Before anyone knew it, that donkey had risen to the top of the well, clambered over the edge, and trotted off like a boss. Total jaw-dropping moment for everyone involved.

Here’s the moral of the story, folks: Life is gonna throw dirt at you — dirt of all shapes and sizes. But here’s the trick to…



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